Sunday, December 30, 2007


I was looking at some pro photographer website recently and I was amazed by how much manipulation they do to their photo. From simply removing an object to adding someone on a landscape, they can do (almost) anything! This made me realize, this is how it should be done. So as my first post with a photo, I'll publish my recent photomanipulation! This is a Porsche 997 911 Turbo TechArt, shot as a Car Of The Month for, I've manipulated the image so it would look as if it was shot in-studio. Heres a comparison between the original image and the final result link
(click to enlarge)
And this is a mix between two old pics I took. The studio shot of my friend was for school and the bar one was for an old contract I had. I thought it would make a great mix. Original images: link
(click to enlarge)


wintay said...
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Sydney W. said...

J'aime la pic de mon frère et la voiture. Très bon cropping!